Plastic Free July: The Problem With Plastic

Plastic Free July is a global movement encouraging people to be part of the solution to the planet’s plastic pollution problem. While you’re enjoying the outdoors during this summer month, taking steps to reduce plastic waste will promote the health of Earth’s enchanting environments.

Here’s how plastic causes problems for the world, and how we can start to remedy it.

Why Is Plastic Bad for the Environment?

Plastic waste is a mounting problem as we use—and dispose of—increasingly vast quantities of plastic. We’re discarding nearly 360 million tons of plastic a year, trash that accumulates in our oceans, on land all over the world, and even in the food chain itself. Our ubiquitous use of plastic and its inability to efficiently degrade are at the heart of the plastic problem.

This accumulation of plastic has harmful environmental impacts on many levels.

Plastic Pollution Solutions

As the negative impacts of plastic become more well-known and people advocate for change, solutions continue to emerge. There have been policy changes limiting plastic, greater pushes for recycling and cleanup efforts, and modifications in packaging and production leading to less plastic use.

Some companies and organizations have switched to various forms of plastic, such as biodegradable plastic, compostable plastic, or bioplastics. However, it’s important to watch out for so-called “greenwashing” as a consumer. These plastics, distinct from conventional fossil fuel-based plastics, have their own methods of disposal. They may or may not be recyclable, can still be dangerous when left in the open environment, and should be used and disposed of in the most fitting manner.

Luckily, though, the absolute best way to combat the plastic problem is also a simple one: reduce plastic usage. When you cut down on plastic—particularly troublesome single-use plastic—you’re taking meaningful forward steps for the way we treat our planet. Participate in Plastic Free July and keep an eye on your plastic use to help promote a healthier world for all.

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